The 1863 Lake Map. Lot 3. Source: Note Centerline Road is marked "Proposed Road"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Alma

      The construction of Holy Trinity Anglican Church started in the summer of 1888.  The church was consecrated on October 20, 1890.  The church is located on the Western Road ( Rte. 2 Hwy. ) in Alma, at the top of the hill, south, above the Currie farmstead.
     Richard Jeffery, son of Stephen E. Jeffery, use to tell the following story which appeared in the book, The Jeffery Family of the Isle of Wight and Prince Edward Island, by Betty M. Jeffery and Carter W. Jeffery, 1998.  "He would also relate the story of at the age of 12 coming upon workmen building Holy Trinity Anglican Church; asking if  he could help, he was given a tape measure to hold."
     The first Warden of Holy Trinity was Stephen E. Jeffery, the second Warden was William Smith.
     The following document was found at the Anglican Archives in Halifax.  The family of John Currie donated the land to build the church on.
Rector's Report - Holy Trinity, Alma Sep 14, 1891
      Present: the Rector Rev. I.M. Forbes, Chapel Warden Stephen Jeffery, and parishioner Joseph Bearisto
      The church building is new having been completed and consecrated last year (Oct 20, 1890).  It is still unfinished inside lacking a coat of oil and varnish for the wooden ceiling and the seats.  It is in other respects complete and is a substantial commodious, well proportioned and handsome church.
      Inventory. There is a good amalgum in the bell- a Bible for the lectern and a prayer book for the reading desk.  As yet the ch. does not possess a surplice, or font, or altar vessels, or altar books or altar linen.  The people are few and not very well off.  They have done nobly in the past and doubtless will endeavour to acquire one after the other as soon as possible, as they are recommended to do, the above necessary articles.
      Land.  Total area one and one half acre. A good board fence encloses one half acre for the church, and two sides of the balance (the third being a snake fence).  The latter portion is used for a burial ground.  This was consecrated for the purpose as far as the snake fence -  commences – by the Bishop last year.
      Finances.  Steps are being taken to contribute to the Rector’s stipend.  There is no debt upon the church or land.  The people are much to be congratulated upon the success of their efforts, which should encourage to continue till the necessary articles are all acquired.
Rector’s Report - Holy Trinity, Alma July 8, 1893
Present Wm. Smith and Stephen Jeffery and the Rector
          The surplice is old and much worn but has been neatly repaired and is clean and good for some time yet.  The church fabric is kept clean and looks bright and pretty.  The woodwork and ceiling will need a coat of oil at some time but they are at present as clean and unsoiled as the day they were put in.  The churchyard has been well fenced in since my last visit with a substantial board fence. 
          This portion of the Parish now contributes to the Rector’s stipend and so far the people have fulfilled their promises there being no arrears.  Money is now in hand to finish the interior of the church partly with paint and partly with oil and varnish.  The service books are in perfect order.  Much has been done of what might be called pioneer work since my visit.  It is to be hoped the people, few as they are, will be encouraged by what has been done to press on, and not be content until the building is put into a perfect condition by a coat whitewash on the exterior of the walls, a coat of paint on the stone foundations, a font, altar vessels, linen, and book, and an organ.  It cannot be done all at once but little by little and one thing at a time might be accomplished if all are willing workers in God’s vineyard.  The services are well attended, and much appreciated. 
          On the whole rector and parishioners are to be congratulated.  I trust they may feel encouraged.  May God grant them many blessing.  There is no debt of any sort.
S. Weston-Jones 
      Below is the earliest known photograph of the church in the background of this Sunday School Class - likely from the early 1900's.
      Below:  Eva Jeffery, organist and treasurer, at the church - c. 1940s.
      Below:  The old, weather door.  Replaced in 1997.
      Below: a West Prince Graphic article about the Jeffery's and their family connection to Holy Trinity over the years, September 1, 2004.
     Below:  Holy Trinity today.  This photo was taken in the fall of 2007 following a summer when many items were taken care of around the church including the painting of the church.  There were new trees planted and old ones cut down.  That fall the Parishioners were presented with two prizes from the PEI Rural Beautification Society for the improvements to the church and cemetery .
      Below:  Holy Trinity Interior.  Note the history board to the left of altar - compiled by the Alberton Museum to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Anglican Parish of Alberton-O'Leary.
     Below:  photo taken looking up into the steeple of the church.  Note the bell to the far left bottom.  Also note the square post in the middle of the Church.  It is said that when building a steeple a long tall pole was stood up and the spire was built around it, then it was cut off - evident here.
     Below:  The church is used seasonally during summer months.  Here the church at Christmas 2009.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Western Prince County Exhibition, 1895

     The following is a transcription by Christine Gorman of the prize list of the 1895 exhibition.  This is posted on The Island Registry website: .  I have gone through the document and noted below prize winners from Alma.

Western Prince County Exhibition, 1895

As printed in the Daily Examiner, Sept. 18, 1895.

- Shorthorn Heifer, under 2 years - 1, Benj. Rogers, Alberton; 2, Henry Gordon, Montrose; 3, Andrew Clarke, Alma.
- Jersey Heifer, under 3 years - 1, Stephen L. Weeks, Alma; 2, Chas. Yeo, Huntley; 3, John R. Oliver, Alberton.
- Jersey Heifer Calf - 1. Carlyle Bell, Alberton; 2, James H. Myrick, Tignish; 3, William Dunbar, Alma.
- Bull, any breed, beef strain, under 4 years - 1, W. E. Clarke, Alma; 2, James Barclay, O'Leary; 3, John Wade, Kildare.

- Grey Faced Ram, yearling - 1, W. T. Rogers, Lot 8; 2, Stephen Weeks, Alma.
- Chester Breeding Sow - 1, John Gordon, Huntley; 2. S. L. Weeks, Alma.

- Half-bushel Timothy Seed - 1, Hugh Dunbar, Alma; 2, James A. Webb, Lot 6.

- Six Bishop Pippin - 1, William Dunbar, Alma.
- Sample of Ingenious Work, Useful or Ornamental, made and exhibited by a minor B 1, Archd. Dunbar, Alma.

- Seven yards Black Homespun, dressed - 1, Mrs. Wm. Fitzpatrick, Kildare Capes; 2, Mrs. W. E. Clark, Alma; 3, Mrs. James Gillis, Montrose.
- Ten yards Plain White Flannel, cotton warp - 1, Mrs. Jas. A. Webb, Lot 6; 2, Mrs. Jas. Ahearn, Tignish; 3, Miss Dunbar, Alma.
- Ten yards (or more) Wool Carpeting - 1, Miss Dunbar, Alma; 2, Miss Bearisto, Montrose.
- Pair White Blankets, cotton warp - 1, Miss Dunbar, Alma; 2, Mrs. Wm. Dunbar, do; 3, Mrs. William Webb, Lot 6.

- Hooked mat, plain - 1, Mrs. Hugh Dunbar, Alma; 2, Mrs. Hugh Dunbar, do.
- Crochet or handkerchief quilt - 1, Miss Dunbar, Alma; 2, Mrs. Rufus Richard, Tignish.

Willie Dunbar's Prized Draft Mare - 1979

     Some of the posting are of more recent history, such as the following. 
     The photo below shows Willie Dunbar in this August 1979 Journal-Pioneer article with his draft mare, recently having been awarded Grand Champion Female Honours at the Prince County Exhibition.  The Dunbars, espeicially Willie's mother Edna, were great supporters and contributors to the Exhibition. 
     In recent years the Prince County Exhibition has seen a great decline in submission and showing of livestock and produce.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Railroad Surveyors Field Book

    The Railroad Surveyors Field Books can be found at the Provincial Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island (PAROPEI).  The following is a page from the Field Book - Archival Accession information: R.G. 15. Series 2, Field Book - E -. 
     I had the pages copied where the surveyors talks about being in the Alma area.
     The following is my transcription of the Field Books.  It's interesting to read the information in the Field Books and the local people the Surveyor was in contact with.
Pg. 184
Monday Oct. 16th, 1883
Mr. James B. Leard, on Lot 3,
     Employed to lay off 170 Acres sold to Thomas Platt.  Description from the Deed "Corner of a stake fixed in the North West corner of land owned by Thomas Mountain and from thence running S. 80 chs, thence East 21.26.  thence North 80 chs to Mountains line thence West along said L. 21.26 to place of count 170 Ac. to  James B. Leard to Thomas Platts

21st Sept 1882
      To find the course of the side lines West to the Line between James Gordon & John Gordon  & found it N 6°15' E right from Page 422 Book 6.  I find the course is N 6°20'E maybe(?)
      John Muttart is to have 154 Acres off the East side and it is to be laid off first.  The farm  S. of the Rd. is 1.65 wider than it is N of the Rd & this jog is on the E side from the Centre of the Road at the E. Line set square across to W. & chd to South.

At 11.38 the S.B.
        12.31 the new D.L. between Lots 3 & 4   Then there is half the width of the old 100 be on the W side from S.B. extending S. into Lot 4 to the River to be also measured into John L. Muttart's corpulent? the width at the N end is 5.20, then from the D.L. to S on the W.L. 13.65 to the River, At 2.78 back square across to E. to the S.E.L. at the Mill Pond this gives the W. Line 14.58 and the E. Line 11.80 & gives area of 6.86 acres, and the strip to ?  1.88 acres for a total of 8.74 Acres.

      Then from the cross Line on the W side of the Old farm Ch.d to N.   
At 2.05 Centre of the Road
At 29.00 had lost a pin gave up for the night.

Pg. 186
Tuesday 17  October 1882
James B. Leard continued Lot 3
      Went to the Centre Line Rd. & from the N.E.L. of John L. Muttart's old 100 Ac. Ch.d West along said Road 9.48. to a Post set in the N.W.L., Muttart's as it ought to be 8.34.
      From Elijah Mountain's title I find his distance S on the D.L. is 22.00, & the Course is South.
      Set at the Stake at the Centre Line Road in Charles Mountain's N.E.L. & ran S. 6°20' W maybe? & Ch.d
      At 22.00 a square post 0.23 to E of our Line, this no doubt is Mountain's S.E.L. & on the Old D.L. between Plots 16 & 17.
      AT 60.00 the stump where we lost the pin last night.
      This makes 101.31 from D.L. to the Centre Line Rd & the whole length of the old farm 100.38  the width at the S end 8.70 and gives an area of 91.24 acres & with that from page 185.   8.74 Acres a total of 99.98 Acres in all.
     There is a strip running W from the old 100 Ac. & North of the D.L. E and 5.17 which makes the length of the Block to West 73.21 and requires 7.63 on our cross line to make the 154 Acres & then to run N6°20' E must, measured this distance & set a line as above.
      Then went West to the Post in the N.E.L. of Stephen Week's farm & set at right angle to the above course E'd & Ch.d
      At 21.26 set a mark of Platt's width
      At 28.00 left off for the night.

Wendesday, Oct 18
      Continued the L on the W of John Muttarts? to N until intersected by the L. ran last night then went to the 28.00 & continue to E to said L 29.0 say 29.00  Then went back to the 21.26 Platts width & set a boundary between sd. Platts & Theodore Gordon N6°20' E  Then went W to Gordon's W B. &

Pg. 255 & 256
Thursday 1  Nov. 1883
      Honourable John Yeo for Joseph Green, Lot 3 Employed to run the Line on the W side of his land fronting on & North of the Centre Line Road.
      Went to the S.E.L. of 60 Acres bought by Rich'd Costain from the late George Kelly this being the D.L. between Plots No. 9 & 10, of Lot 3, set here and ran S.V or to the Centre Line Road.  Came out near the centre of the Costain
Var 8° 20"
                             1 day $ 3.00 
                             to be Chd to Mr. Yeo.

Pg. 217
Saturday, March 3rd, 1883
John Donalds  Lot 3
      Employed to lay off 80 acres sold to Archibald McMurdock on the E. side of 160 Acres on the S side of the Centre Line Rd & on the W of Land held by Ebenezer Bearisto.  Went to the Line between sd parties on the Centre Line Rd & ch.d W 8.00 set S. Var & ran till night.  Ch.d the remainder 8.00 came about 1 parcel past the corner of the fence Wm Raynor to W of this.

Pg. 218
Andrew Peters Lot 3,
      Employed to set a L.S. on the W side of 50 acres purchased from Allan McPherson.  Went to the corner of the fence at Wm. Raynor's N W L & Ch.d on the Rd. 5.00 set S Var into the field set 3 or 4 stakes.
Var 8°20'    $ 1.50
If paid next week to be a Dollar.

Pg. 385
Monday 15 Feb. 1886
Lot 3
Rich.d Costain & Charles Veno
      Employed to run the Line between said parties Mr. Anderson having run it part way before.
      Went to the centre of the Centre Line Road & chd North.
      At 35.05 the River this for far N. V & had run the line 1.82 = 36.87 across the River set here and run N Var & Ch.d

‑ 101.20 the line of Lot 2 as run by me on the 12th see last page.
Var 8°35
                                                        John Clay
                             Veno's half        2.00
                             By Cash              .45
                             Due               $  1.55

                             is to send it by mail from R. Costain's
                                       paid in full

Friday, April 6, 2012

Mabel Vincent Turns 90 - 1983

     The following article appeared in the Journal-Pioneer newspaper in September 1983 telling of Mabel Vincent's 90th Birthday.

Mabel Vincent

     The death occurred at the Western Hospital, Alberton, on Friday, March 22, 1985 of Lena “Mabel” Vincent of Alma age 91 years.
     Born September 4th, 1893, she was the daughter of the late Joseph and Christy Ellen (Simmonds) Vincent of Alma. 
    She is survived by the following brothers and sisters:  Grace, Mrs. John Hudson, NB; Sydney, Alma; Ella, Mrs. George Campbell, BC; and Boyce, California.  She was predeceased by the following brothers and sisters:  Ruth, Mrs. Othmar Tyrrell of Conn.; John of Florida, Elizabeth, Mrs. John S. Gordon, Alberton; Lester, Indiana; Lloyd, Alma; James of Florida; Earl of Alma; Hazel, alma and Ralph, Montrose.
     The remains are resting at the Rooney Funeral home Alberton until noon Tuesday, then to Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Alma for funeral service at 2pm. Interment in the church cemetery.  Visiting hours today 2-4 and 7-9.  Memorials to the charity of your choice would be appreciated.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lauretta Post Office

     Lauretta had a post office from 1897 to 1913 - it was last operated by Mrs. Catherina O'Brien and likely from her home.  Cummins 1928 Atlas shows the O'Briens living in the area of the school.
     Below is information from Post Offices and Postmasters - National Archives of Canada website giving the name of the three postmasters and the dates they operated Lauretta Post Office.
     If one might have doubted the existence of the post office, the postmark below can be found in the book, "2000 Postmarks of Prince Edward Island 1814 to 1995" by G. Douglas Murray, on page 117.