The 1863 Lake Map. Lot 3. Source: Note Centerline Road is marked "Proposed Road"

Friday, May 4, 2012

1935 Aerial Photo of Alma Corner

     The Prince Edward Island Government has posted on their maps website a variety of aerial photographs dating as early as 1935 - see below image of Alma Corner. 
     The following is more information about their maps.
     Several complete aerial surveys of Prince Edward Island may be browsed from this page.
     The first set of photographs -- the most recent -- was produced in 2000 by the
Department of Agriculture and Forestryas part of the 2000-2002 Corporate Land Use Inventory Project. The copyright of the images is retained by the Province of Prince Edward Island. You can read more information about these photos, including information on how to purchase prints or CDs.

  Four additional sets of photographs were produced in 1935, 1958, 1974 and 1990. The1935 and 1958 sets are copyright Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, reproduced from the collection of the
National Air Photo Library with permission of Natural Resources Canada. The copyright of the 1974 and 1990 images is retained by the Province of Prince Edward Island

     The 1935 Aerial Photo of Alma Corner - if you zoom in you can see the buildings and if you know what you're looking at even the apple orchards....

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