"June 1, 1937: Fine in morn, heavy thunder squall and heavy rain, cyclone."
The above entry appeared in the 1937-1941 diary of Mary & Eva Jeffery of Alma/Elmsdale.
"June 1, 1937: a tornado struck the St. Louis and Alma area in West Prince wrecking fifteen buildings and uprooting trees. Hail stones up to 2.5cm (one inch) in diameter fell, driven by a very heavy wind, bruising farmers' faces on their way home through their fields. This storm cut a path cross country from St. Louis to Montrose and to the edge of the Alma district (3)"
The above comes from Some weather we're having! 150 Years of Prince Edward Island Weather. 2015 PEI Weather Trivia Calendar by Don Jardin and Adam French with weather quotes by David Weale. Copyright 2014. Climate Research Lab, University of Prince Edward Island. www.upei.ca/climate

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